Samuel, he/it/🌀/⏳. I have bad taste and worse vision. @howomura on Tumblr.

08.28.2023: Neocities first coded!

8.28.2023: Site basics done!

8.28.2023: Minor adjustments so far...

8.30.2023: Added cbox!


Welcome to my webbedsite. As you can see, it's still a maaaajor WIP. Vaporeon IRL. I am bad at coding...I know very basic HTML/CSS and nothing else, 99% of the code is from @doffy on Tumblr.

Let me know if anything looks funky! I don't use my laptop much, so this was done (poorly at times) off of my phone. If anything seems inaccessible, please message me. It appears to look best on 67% zoom (Firefox). Usable on mobile using the "desktop view" setting on your browser.
